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viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015
The importance of the management team in our entrepreneurial initiative, from its beggining in 2010
The AMP Arquitectos architecture team, which has a
long career, a great national and international prestige and numerous awards
for the architectural quality of its works, was fortunate to join our
initiative on its early stages, from 2010 to 2011. With the architects Felipe
Artengo and José María Rodríguez Pastrana, the management team shared great
moments of teamwork, including a visit to the location of our business plan:
the Finca Las Cancelas, placed in the area of Playa Paraiso (Adeje, Tenerife).
We appreciate the privilege of having had their timely cooperation and support
in the early days of our business project.
Later, in the period 2012-2013, other architects were
incorporated to carry out the monitoring of this proposal: Annika Schollin and
Juan Pedro Salcedo, due to the fact that AMP was unable to continue with it.
These two new architects provided their work and experience, improving our
initiative. Their activity, which achieved a higher level of commitment than
the previous management team, meant an exponential increase in teamwork and the
negotiations for a Territorial Action Project (PAT), which essentially aims to
foster entrepreneurship linked to R+D+I.
In the period 2013-2014, the prestigious architect
Mr. Jerónimo Padrón López brought in his extensive experience in bioclimatic
architecture, as well as a plus in the design and distribution of non
residential-lands which belong to the proposal location.
In early 2015, the team architect Alejandro Díez
Martín joined our project, in order to complete the architectural work of Mr.
Jerónimo Padrón and the viability analysis, both of which will eventually allow
us to expose a comprehensive proposal to the investors, so as to facilitate its
We want to highlight the work of the Canarytax and
Bufete Aznar legal firms, who heads the Tax Law Professor Mr. Guillermo Núñez.
Both firms have contributed to the founding of our initiative. As coordinator,
I also want to especially thank the lawyer and writer Mr. Ramiro Rosón Mesa,
whom I congratulate for his great work in drawing and creating the contents of
this blog, which helps us to improve our marketing strategy.
We want to send a special regard to the various
academic institutions, business sectors and public administrations which
support this type of projects that create Jobs. We especially thank the
University of La Laguna’s Rector, Mr. Eduardo Domenech, and his team for
serving us and offering us the opportunity to present our initiative at this
University, because it could create synergies for integrating the University
into the business world.
I finally want to express my personal thanks to all
other colleagues for their excellent work, without which this project would not
have been possible. Finally, we want to remember the lawyer Mr. Federico González
de Aledo (Bufete Aledo) and the architect Mr. José María Rodríguez Pastrana
(AMP Arquitectos), which were also part of the project's origins. Although they
are no longer physically with us, his spirit continues to inspire our work.
El proyecto Mimiland Park avanza
Hace algún tiempo, el coordinador de nuestra iniciativa empresarial pudo conocer personalmente a D. Andrés Alonso, del Grupo Hemi, un gran empresario que se está encargando del desarrollo de un ambicioso proyecto en el municipio de Güímar y que pretende restaurar un espacio degradado: las antiguas plantas de extracción de áridos situadas junto a la Autopista del Sur de Tenerife, en una zona conectada con las principales arterias de comunicación de la isla. De materializarse, este proyecto convertirá al municipio de Güímar en un punto de creación de empleo y permitirá fomentar el tejido empresarial en la comarca del sur de Tenerife, desarrollando una iniciativa turística novedosa y que, entre otros objetivos, pretende recuperar un espacio degradado, aportando una solución práctica y con el menor coste posible al problema de las canteras abandonadas, desde un punto de vista tanto económico como medioambiental, puesto que se consigue la eficacia económica y la restauración paisajística, que de otra forma sería muy difícil de resolver.
Desde la coordinación de nuestra iniciativa empresarial, deseamos que el Grupo Hemi logre sus objetivos y agradecemos al empresario D. Andrés Alonso, que ha conocido ya nuestra iniciativa (Parque Tecnológico Centro de Ocio, Formación e Investigación Playa Paraíso 2010 - Adeje) y que desde el principio nos ha apoyado como entidad colaboradora, enriqueciendo con su experiencia y sus aportaciones la estrategia que en la actualidad estamos llevando a cabo para materializarla con éxito.
El coordinador del Parque Tecnológico Centro de Ocio, Formación e Investigación Playa Paraíso 2010 - Adeje
Miguel Muñoz
Correo electrónico:
Teléfono: +34 648 74 49 37
El coordinador del Parque Tecnológico Centro de Ocio, Formación e Investigación Playa Paraíso 2010 - Adeje
Miguel Muñoz
Correo electrónico:
Teléfono: +34 648 74 49 37
Página web del Grupo Hemi: