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A Lithuanian artist in Tenerife

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Ramiro Rosón, secretario de nuestras iniciativas

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miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

Rozalla at the Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife

The 10th August 2019, the coordinator of our entrepreneurial initiatives, Miguel Muñoz, attended the concert given by the Zimbabwean singer Rozalla at the Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife. This event belongs to the series of concerts Children of the 80s, which this hotel has organised to revive the music of this decade, programming quality musical events in the zone of Playa Paraíso.

In this sense, Rozalla embodies a stream of pop music, a philosophy of life and a period which awaken feelings of joy, but also of nostalgia. Her best-known song, Everybody’s Free (To Feel Good), reached the 20th position in the UK Singles Chart and awarded a silver record, becoming a hit in dancefloors. In his concert at the Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife, the artist reenacted the atmosphere of the golden age of dance music, performing different songs of her records.

To summarize, it was a great opportunity to see this singer performing live and enjoy her music in the magnificent environment of this hotel. From our entrepreneurial initiatives, we want to congratulate all the arrangers of this event and we hope that the next concerts of this series keep enjoying a warm welcome among public and mass media.

La Laguna, 21th August 2019.

The coordinator,
Miguel Muñoz

-Website of the series of concerts Children of the 80s:

-Website of the Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife:

-Advertisement of the event in the site

Photos of the event:

Videos of the event:

Rozalla en el Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife

El 10 de agosto de 2019, el coordinador de nuestras iniciativas empresariales, Miguel Muñoz, acudió al concierto que ofreció la cantante zimbabuense Rozalla en el Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife. Este evento forma parte del ciclo de conciertos Children of the 80s (Hijos de los ochenta) que este hotel ha organizado para revivir la música de esta década, realizando una programación de eventos musicales de calidad en la zona de Playa Paraíso.

En este sentido, Rozalla encarna una corriente de la música popular, una filosofía de vida y una época que despiertan sentimientos de alegría, pero también de nostalgia. Su canción más conocida, Everybody’s Free (To Feel Good) (Todo el mundo es libre [para sentirse bien]), alcanzó el puesto número 20 en las listas de discos más vendidos en el Reino Unido y recibió un disco de plata, convirtiéndose en un éxito de las pistas de baile. En su concierto en el Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife, la artista recreó el ambiente de la época dorada del género dance, interpretando diversos temas de su repertorio.

En definitiva, se trató de una gran oportunidad para ver actuar a esta cantante en vivo y disfrutar de su música en el magnífico entorno de este hotel. Desde nuestras iniciativas empresariales, queremos felicitar a todos los organizadores del evento y esperamos que los próximos conciertos de este ciclo sigan disfrutando de una buena acogida entre el público y los medios de comunicación.

En La Laguna, a 21 de agosto de 2019.

El coordinador,
Miguel Muñoz

-Página web del ciclo de conciertos Children of the 80s:

-Página web del Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife:

Fotos del evento:

Vídeos del evento:

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2019

The port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife losses the platforms and vessels of Esco

Ensco DS8 & DS9.

The Valaris multinational, owner of the Esco ship fleet, which constitutes one of the biggest in the sector of offshore services worldwide, has decided to leave the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in order to move its vessels to the port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. In this sense, we can highlight that the Valaris multinational is made up of two companies, Esco and Rowan, both of which equal 82 oil platforms all over the world, and its headquarters are in London.

According to the ship repair company Tenerife Shipyards, this decision means an anual loss superior to 8 million euros for the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. As the managers of this company say, “this is very bad news not only for the port facilities in the capital, but also for the whole municipality of Santa Cruz, because we lose the biggest multinational in the sector of oil operations”. In their opinion, “the fact that we have lost this opportunity will also entail a loss of jobs and investments in the city, regarding to accomodation, food, transport and other spendings”.

Besides, Tenerife Shipyards has submitted a request for setting up a floating dock in the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and they expect that it will be approved wiithin a deadline of ten months, after a processing period which has lasted more than three years. Mario Suárez, director of Strategical Development at this company, comments that the port authority of Santa Cruz de Tenerife submitted to its state counterpart, more than a month ago, the environmental procedure necessary to implement the dock in a sheet of water in this port.

From our entrepreneurial initiatives, we are considering the possibility of paying a visit to the headquarters of the Valaris multinational in London, within a second trip to the UK capital, with the aim of presenting our proposal for a leisure port and a marine research centre in the zone of Playa Paraíso (municipality of Adeje). In the same way, we are thinking to visit the headquarters of Tenerife Shipyards in the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, because this company is managing the creation of a floating dock in order to perform ship repair in this port.

Our purpose consists in getting the sponsorship of companies related to the naval sector, such as Valaris and Tenerife Shipyards, the main hotel companies and restaurant business placed in the zone of Playa Paraíso and the hotel business association in Canary Islands (Ashotel), with the aim of seeking support to the proposal which we are designing for this zone of Adeje. This sponsorship strategy will allow us to perform the presentation of this initiative with success at the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and we are even thinking in getting previous financing for the presentation through a crowdfunding platform.

-The port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife losses the platforms and vessels of Esco. Article published in the newspaper El Día, the 19th August 2019:

-Tenerife Shipyards
Address: Primera Alineación Dique del Este, 38180 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Location on Google Maps:

-Port Authority of Santa Cruz de Tenerife:

-Website of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which we will visit in our next trip to the UK capital:

In La Laguna, the 19th August 2019.

The coordinator,
Miguel Muñoz

Phone: +34 648 74 49 37

The port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife losses the platforms and vessels of Esco. Article published in the newspaper El Día, the 19th August 2019:
Finally, in this day, after doing the usual drafting work on our blog, the coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, and the lawyer and contributor Ramiro Rosón enjoyed a little break at the Manibar pub, placed in Heraclio Sánchez street, close to the nightlife zone in La Laguna, as can be seen in the photos below.

El puerto de Santa Cruz de Tenerife se queda sin las plataformas y buques de Ensco

Ensco DS8 & DS9

La multinacional Valaris, propietaria de la flota de buques Ensco, que constituye una de las más grandes a nivel mundial en el sector de los servicios offshore, ha decidido abandonar el puerto de Santa Cruz de Tenerife para trasladar sus barcos al puerto de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. En este sentido, cabe destacar que la multinacional Valaris está integrada por dos empresas, Ensco y Rowan, las cuales suman unas 82 plataformas petrolíferas en todo el mundo, y su sede se encuentra en Londres.

Según la empresa de reparaciones navales Tenerife Shipyards, esta decisión supone una pérdida anual de más de 8 millones de euros para el puerto de Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Como afirman los responsables de esta empresa, “esta es una muy mala noticia no solo para la instalación capitalina, sino para todo el municipio de Santa Cruz, pues nos quedamos sin la mayor multinacional en cuanto a operación petrolífera se refiere”. En su opinión, “que hayamos perdido esta oportunidad también supondrá pérdidas de puestos de trabajo y de inversión en la ciudad, en cuanto a alojamientos, comidas, desplazamientos y otros gastos”.

Por otro lado, Tenerife Shipyards ha presentado una solicitud para instalar un dique flotante en el puerto de Santa Cruz de Tenerife y espera que sea aprobada en un plazo de diez meses, después de un periodo de tramitación que ha durado más de tres años. Mario Suárez, director de Desarrollo Estratégico de esta empresa, comenta que la Autoridad Portuaria de Santa Cruz de Tenerife remitió hace un mes a Puertos del Estado el trámite medioambiental necesario para instalar el dique en una lámina de agua de este puerto.

Desde nuestras iniciativas empresariales, estamos barajando la posibilidad de realizar una visita a la sede de la multinacional Valaris en Londres, dentro de un segundo viaje a la capital británica, con el fin de presentar nuestra propuesta de implantación de un puerto deportivo y un centro de investigación marina en la zona de Playa Paraíso (municipio de Adeje). Igualmente, estamos pensando en visitar la sede de la empresa Tenerife Shipyards en el puerto de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, dado que esta empresa está gestionando la creación de un dique flotante para llevar a cabo reparaciones navales en este puerto.

Nuestro propósito consiste en obtener el patrocinio de empresas vinculadas al sector naval, como Valaris y Tenerife Shipyards, de los principales grupos hoteleros y las empresas del sector de la restauración que se ubican en Playa Paraíso y de la patronal hotelera en Canarias (Ashotel), con el fin de sumar apoyos a la propuesta que estamos diseñando para esta zona de Adeje. Esta estrategia de patrocinio permitirá que la presentación de esta iniciativa en la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Londres se lleve a cabo con éxito, e incluso estamos pensando en obtener financiación previa para la presentación a través de una plataforma de crowdfunding.

-El puerto de Santa Cruz se queda sin las plataformas y buques de EnscoArtículo publicado por el periódico El Día, con fecha 19 de agosto de 2019:

-Tenerife Shipyards
Dirección: Primera Alineación Dique del Este, 38180 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Ubicación en Google Maps:

-Autoridad Portuaria de Santa Cruz de Tenerife:

-Página web de la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Londres, que visitaremos en nuestro próximo viaje a la capital del Reino Unido:

En La Laguna, a 19 de agosto de 2019.

El coordinador,
Miguel Muñoz

Correo electrónico:
Teléfono: +34 648 74 49 37

El puerto de Santa Cruz se queda sin las plataformas y buques de Ensco. Artículo publicado por el periódico El Día, con fecha 19 de agosto de 2019.

Por último, en este día, después de llevar a cabo los habituales trabajos de redacción en nuestro blog, el coordinador, Miguel Muñoz, y el abogado y colaborador Ramiro Rosón disfrutaron de un pequeño descanso en la cervecería Manibar, situada en la calle Heraclio Sánchez, cerca de la zona de ocio nocturno de La Laguna, como se refleja en las fotos que adjuntamos a continuación.


lunes, 5 de agosto de 2019

Rosa Center, a new shopping centre for Playa Paraíso

The Número 1 group is a corporate group based in Canary Islands and Canary capital, which has diversified its business and currently leads the sector of shopping centres management, commercialisation and consultancy in the archipelago, through its subsidiary Archigestión. One of the biggest advantages of this company lies in having a working team composed of highly qualified people, which allows it to manage each shopping centre and each project on a custom-made basis.

Nowadays, Archigestión manages a portfolio made up of 15 shopping centres of different typologies, with more than 850 stores divided up among a surface of 300,000 commercial square metres, all of them placed in the Canary archipelago. This portfolio will increase with two upcoming openings: the Rosa Center, located in Playa Paraíso (Adeje, Tenerife), with more than 10,000 square metres, and the Mogan Mall, placed in Puerto Rico (Gran Canaria), with 30,000 square metre of surface for rent.

Beyond its initial function, commercial centres have become spaces for gastronomy, leisure and sport these days, working as meeting places for thousand of people. In this sense, Archigestión focuses on strategies which confer a dynamic nature to its centres, in a way that clients can feel real emotions and live unique experiences in their leisure and shopping time.

The plot of land where the Rosa Center is being built is placed in an environment of great touristic and residential development in the last years, specially since the opening of the Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife and the recent inauguration of the H10 Atlantic Sunset hotel. It is foreseen that more four and five-star hotels will be built in this zone, so we are talking about the natural expansion area of southern Tenerife.

The Rosa Center will open its doors in November 2019 and it will bear its name as a tribute to the lawyer Rosa Delia González Gil, which was the general director of the Archigestión group and trusted person of Amid Achi, founder of the Número 1 group, until its passing in 2016. As we have said, it will have a surface of 10,000 square metres, divided up among stores, restaurant businesses and terraces and 224 free parking places. It is organised in three commercial floors and, due to the incline of the street, allows pedestrians to enter every floor directly, which makes it a functional and very convenient building for moving through its spaces. The allocation of the building will be realised in the following way:

a) In the top floor, there will be an open centre with big terraces, in order to take advantage of the views on the sea and the island of La Gomera.

b) The first floor will house a huge fashion offer, with brands from the Inditex group (Lefties and Stradivarius) and the Tendam group (Women’ Secret and Springfield), as well as different denim and sneakers stores.

c) In the lower floor, we can highlight a Hiperdino supermarket of 1,600 square metres and a Sprinter sports store, with more than 500 square metres. Besides this facilities, different services (hairdresser, phone and computer pieces, fashion accessories, etc.) will be placed.

d) The terrace floor will be used for restaurant businesses and leisure activities, among which we can highlight a Burger King store, which is under construction.

From our entrepreneurial initiative, we congratulate the businessman Amid Achi, founder of the Número 1 group, for its bet on the zone of Playa Paraíso as a touristic destination, with this shopping centre, to which we desire the greatest success in its business path. Besides, we want to highlight that the creation of the Rosa Center means one more stimulus for this zone, reinforcing the economic and legal viability of our entrepreneurial initiative to create a leisure port and a marine research centre in the vicinities of the Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife.

In La Laguna, the 5th August 2019.

The coordinator,
Miguel Muñoz

-Website of the Archigestión group:

-History and origins of the Número 1 group:

Número 1 group
Address: Avenida El Paso, without number, Multiusos Building, first floor, Los Majuelos Industrial Estate (38204, La Laguna)
Phone: +34 922 82 17 04

Rosa Center - Playa Paraíso. Article published in the newspaper El Día, the 3rd August 2019.

After finishing our work, writing some articles for our blog, the coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, and the lawyer and contributor Ramiro Rosón enjoyed a little pause at the Iwà Pèlé (“Buen Carácter”) gastrobar, placed in the Avenida Trinidad (La Laguna).

Iwà Pèlé (“Buen Carácter”) Gastrobar
-Ubicación en Google Maps: