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lunes, 29 de julio de 2019

Intech Tenerife: innovation agency and technological park

During the last eleven years, the current manager of Intech Tenerife, Coqui García, has attended the evolution of this public company from different decision-making positions there. Intech Tenerife has received various awards in the last years for its high management ability, becoming a reference for other technological parks in Spain.

In this period, the company has experienced dramatic changes. In its beginning, it was created as an insular innovation agency, in order to put the Tenerife Innova programme into practice. Since 2010, Intech Tenerife began to act as a technological park, opening a first business incubator, and since then it has grown with new spaces. Nowadays, it plays two basic roles: its work as an innovation agency, developing many projects in this field, and its activity as a technological park, managing spaces in order to attract startups and companies which want to settle in Tenerife.

As Coqui García says, “the main advantage of any technological park is to diversify the socioeconomic structure of a region”. In this way, it is expected to have more entrepreneurial activity in technological and innovation areas and create more job opportunities, mainly for specialized professionals such as doctors, technicians and scientists, who often migrate because they don’t get a job according to their profiles in Canary Islands.

Until now, Intech has implemented three business incubator and a coworking space, and it has the 100% of its space occupied by different companies. Regarding to employment, more than 200 people are working in activities related to R+D+I (research, development and innovation) in the said companies. It is foreseen to create new spaces in the municipalities of Santa Cruz (specifically, in the area of Cuevas Blancas) and Granadilla, with the aim of increasing the impact on the local economy.

From 2006, when Intech began its activity as an innovation agency, fostering scientific and technological vocations in the business world and the working market, they have managed that the educational centres of Tenerife know this company, generating a strong convening power, even with projects which transcend the island of Tenerife and are carried out in the regional sphere.

To summarize, it is about an intelligent strategy, focused on the main way which we intend to follow in an area of our entrepreneurial initiative “2010-Adeje Playa Paraíso Technological Park”. This proves that we can achieve technological development, create synergies and draw educational centres near to the business tissue of Tenerife and Canary Islands.

In La Laguna, the 29th July 2019.

The coordinator,
Miguel Muñoz

Intech Tenerife
Headquarters address: Vía Interior Dársena Pesquera, 24, 38120 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Phone: 822 02 85 87

-Business incubators are at 100% of occupancy. Interview to Coqui García, manager of Intech Tenerife, published in the newspaper El Día on Monday 8th July 2019:

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