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miércoles, 3 de julio de 2019

Our visit to the Astrophysical Institute of Canary Islands, the 14th June 2019

The 14th June 2019, the coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, and the inventor Carlos Martínez visited the astronomic observatory of Izaña, located in the national park of Las Cañadas del Teide (Tenerife), making the most of the open houses that this institution carried out in that day. The astronomic observatory of Izaña depends on the Astrophysical Institute of Canary Islands (IAC), a public consortium made up by the general administration of the Spanish State, the government of Canary Islands, the University of La Laguna and the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC).

The aim of this visit not only was to know this worldwide-named centre, where important astronomic research projects are carried out, but also promote from the highest Karllive, the brand of aloe vera products created by Carlos Martínez, which we have recently registrated in the European Trademark Office, with the registration number 18.018.603. This brand comes from the patent registered in the Spanish Office of Trademarks and Patents, with the number P201431250.

After the visit to the astronomic observatory, Miguel Muñoz and Carlos Martínez continued through the Teide national park and finished the day in Playa Paraíso, where we promote the initiatives “Playa Paraíso 2010-Adeje Technological Park” and the future leisure port which we intend to build in this zone, as well as a marine research centre.

In La Laguna, the 3th July 2019.

The coordinator,
Miguel Muñoz

–Website of the Astrophysical Institute of Canary Islands:

Photos taken in La Laguna and El Rosario:

Museum of aloe vera in El Rosario.

From left to right: the inventor Carlos Martínez and the coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, in the historical centre of La Laguna.

Petrol station in El Rosario.

Aguere Hotel, located in the historical centre of La Laguna.

Photos taken in the Teide national park:

View of the volcano Teide.

From left to right: the inventor Carlos Martínez and the coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, in the Teide national park.

Research facilities in the astronomical observatory of Izaña.

Motorway to Teide national park.

The coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, in the Teide national park.

The inventor Carlos Martínez in the Teide national park.

Photos taken in Playa Paraíso:

The Roca Negra bar in Playa Paraíso.

From left to right: the coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, and the inventor Carlos Martínez at the Roca Negra bar in Playa Paraíso.

The coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, in Playa Paraíso.

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