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viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

Our visit to Playa Paraíso and Tijoco Alto

On Tuesday 9th June 2020, the coordinador, Miguel Muñoz, went to the municipality of Adeje, in order to visit Las Cancelas real estate one more time and know an experimental crop in the zone of Tijoco Alto. During the visit to Las Cancelas, he was accompanied by the consultor Adrián Zaidunasky, who knew this property for the first time, in a meeting full of opportunities for everybody. Next, both went up to the zone of Tijoco Alto to visit the ecological crops which the Russian researcher and entrepreneur Alexandra is developing there and, especially, her agricultural project “How to sow water”.

Plots of land which make up Finca Las Cancelas, located in the zone of Playa Paraíso.

The project “How to sow water” proposes the implementation of a sustainable agricultural model which is very useful for the Canarian archipelago, due to the difficulties to find water in the island, and increases the value of agricultural soil and its sustainable development, through the cultivation of ecological orchards. Besides, in this property Alexandra uses the techniques and methods of biodynamic agriculture, a discipline which teaches how to cultivate land from a holistic approach, considering it as a living organism, and intends to send back to it more than it gives to humans.

In connection with this project, the collaboration of La Tahonilla Recovery Centre for Wild Fauna, which belongs to Cabildo de Tenerife (local government of the island), could be requested. This centre mainly works for the recovery of injured animals which are picked up by citizens and public authorities, but it also has a plantation of local flora and a seed bank of autochthonous plants from Canary Islands.

La Tahonilla Recovery Centre for Wild Fauna
Address: Carretera de la Esperanza, 38206, San Cristóbal de La Laguna
Phone: +34 922 44 57 77
Location on Google Maps:

Besides of Miguel Muñoz and Adrián Zaidunasky, some professionals of different countries came to this meeting, organised by Adrián, who turned this visit into a unique experience deeply related to our entrepreneurial initiatives, because our project “Parque Tecnológico Playa Paraíso” revolves around the use and management of water.

Therefore, the visit to the experimental crops was, undoubtedly, a very positive experience, which we will inform to the municipal government of Adeje, in order that they support the researcher and entrepreneur which manages this agricultural property. At the same time, we will communicate her initiative to the universities, because of their relation to issues such as sustainable development and the management of water, which have become more and more important nowadays.

In that day, we carried out a wide photographic report, which ended with Miguel Muñoz’s visit to the coast of Playa Paraíso, where we are projecting the building of a leisure port and a marine research centre, in order to promote and invigorate a touristic destination which is currently growing. In the same way, we want to highlight that the hotel chains which operate in this zone already know our initiatives, so we hope to get their support in the near future.

La Laguna, 12th June 2020.

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz

Phone: +34 648 74 49 37

Details of the property in Tijoco Alto
Alexandra´s phone: +34 636 186 508
Location of the property on Google Maps:

Photos of our visit to Las Cancelas real estate:

From left to right: the coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, Mr. Patrick, the consultor Adrián Zaidunasky and an advisor who joined us in the visit.

Photos of our visit to the property in Tijoco Alto:

Photos of our visit to the coast of Playa Paraíso during sunset:

The coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, in the coastal zone of Playa Paraíso.

Sunset in Playa Paraíso.

How to sow water:

That is how the project “How to sow water” works.

Use of anti-desertification technologies in Dubai.

China turns its deserts into fertile land.

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