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jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2023

National gastronomy awards of Diario de Avisos Foundation

On Monday 11 September, the coordinator of our business initiatives, Miguel Muñoz, attended the gala awards ceremony for the national gastronomy awards sponsored by the Diario de Avisos Foundation, which was held in the Auditorium of El Sauzal (Tenerife). Three invitations were requested: one for the manager of Floristas El Agricultor, Coromoto García Velázquez, another for the secretary of our business initiatives, Ramiro Rosón, and a third for Miguel Muñoz himself. All three invitations were confirmed for their attendance, although, for scheduling reasons, Miguel Muñoz was the only one of the three who was able to be present at the event.

The gala was broadcast by Atlántico Televisión and awarded prizes to several renowned chefs and restaurants from the Canary Islands and the rest of Spain, such as the restaurant Los Limoneros or the winery Tamerán. From our business initiatives, we would like to thank Teresa, official of the Culture Department of El Sauzal Town Hall, for her efforts to confirm the invitations to this event, and the Diario de Avisos Foundation, for the gastronomy exhibition offered after the awards ceremony and for its excellent organisation.

-Floristas El Agricultor

Address: Avenida de los Majuelos, number 11 (38107, Santa Cruz de Tenerife)

Telephone: 922 62 25 70

Location on Google Maps:

-Ramiro Rosón's web page at Biblioteca Virtual Fandom:

-Website of the Diario de Avisos Foundation:

-El Sauzal Town Hall website:

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz


Telephone: +34 648 74 49 37

Twitter: @miguelproyecto

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