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jueves, 11 de abril de 2024

The "Capacita" programme helps 800 young people to get a job

From our business initiatives, we aspire to become a generator of education and employment on the island of Tenerife. To achieve this goal, we look to initiatives such as the recent collaboration agreement signed by the University of La Laguna and the Cabildo of Tenerife, through which the "Capacita" programme has been launched. This programme will help 800 young people to find work, promoting training to facilitate access to the labour market and intermediation with companies.

In this sense, we want to promote a meeting with university students from Tenerife who are finishing their studies, so that our business initiatives become a space for training internships. This meeting is expected to take place at the Hotel Laguna Nivaria and the date will soon be announced on this blog.

Our second presentation days will last two days: the first one will take place at the Hotel Laguna Nivaria, and the second one at the Training Centre of the Adeje Town Hall. The presentations will be broadcast live and streamed at the same time, presenting the model of our two business initiatives (the Playa Paraíso Technology Park project and the creation of a sports marina with a marine research centre in the vicinity of the Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife), for public administrations, national and international investment groups and the general public.

The aim of this conference is to gain the support of investment groups, after presenting the 3D model which will be exhibited by our architects. At the same time, we intend to complete the support and marketing team for the presentation of both business initiatives. To this end, it is proposed that students who are completing their studies at Canarian universities and other training centres can participate as support to the drafting team, to prepare the previous sectorial reports in the form of training practices. For this reason, we would like to extend a formal invitation to these students to join our initiative.

Those interested in collaborating with us can contact the coordinator of our business initiatives, Miguel Muñoz, by telephone (648744937) or e-mail ( You can also contact the secretary of these initiatives, Ramiro Rosón, by telephone (690722295) or e-mail (

Interested parties are kindly requested to express their willingness to participate in our business initiatives, indicating their name and current academic background and attaching a brief CV.

Our editorial team will store the information received and, once a consolidated group of potential collaborators has been formed, a date will be set for a meeting at the Hotel Laguna Nivaria to explain how they can help us organise our second dissemination days.

-Hotel Laguna Nivaria website:

-Cabildo and ULL join forces to help 800 young people to find employment. Article published in El Día, 6 April 2024:

-Architects Annika Schollin and Juan Pedro Salcedo have collaborated with the initiative "Parque Tecnológico Playa Paraíso 2010-Adeje" in the period 2011-2014. Article published in our blog, dated 28 April 2017:

-Visit of our editorial team to Arona Town Hall, on 20 June 2018, to present our business initiatives. Article published on our blog, dated 28 June 2018:

-We present our 2022 calendar. Article published on our blog, 9 March 2022:

-Lawyer Ramiro Rosón, secretary of our business initiatives. Article published on our blog, 10 August 2023:

-Visit of the coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, to the city of London, from 1 to 8 December 2018. Article published on our blog, 12 December 2018:

-Are crowdfunding platforms an option that universities should promote for their entrepreneurs? A study about crowdfunding, higher education and entrepreneurship:

-Crowdfunding platform of the University of La Laguna:

Images of the Hotel Laguna Nivaria.

From left to right, the coordinator of our business initiatives, Miguel Muñoz, and the lawyer and collaborator Ramiro Rosón at the bar El Plan B del Goya, located in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

In La Laguna, on 8 April 2024.

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz

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