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lunes, 8 de abril de 2024

New bathing area in the southwest of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife has recently commissioned a project to create a new bathing area in the district of Añaza-Acorán, in order to provide the south-west of the capital of Tenerife with a maritime and sports park. The study required to undertake the project has a cost of 448,000 € and has been awarded to a joint venture (Unión Temporal de Empresas) formed by the architects José David Izquierdo Hernández, David Espejo Campos and Raquel Guanche García, who had won with the Pasea initiative an ideas competition held 20 years ago for the same district. The architects of this joint venture will have a period of 18 months to draw up several project alternatives and to determine the most viable one. It is estimated that the work will cost a total of 14 million euros.

From our business initiatives, we believe that this project sets a benchmark for similar actions on the coasts of Tenerife. An example of this type of urban development intervention can be found in our project to create a sports marina and a sea research centre on the coast of Playa Paraíso, near the Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife.

In this sense, we would like to congratulate the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife for initiating this study to create a bathing area in the southwest of the capital of Tenerife, and we hope that this type of initiative will pave the way for our project on the coast of Playa Paraíso.

-Visit of our editorial team to the Arona Town Hall on 20 June 2018 to present our business initiatives. Article published on 28 June 2018:

The capital commissions the project to create a new bathing area in the Southwest. Article published in El Día, 8 April 2024.

-Link to article on the El Día website:

In La Laguna, 8th April 2024.

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz

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