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martes, 2 de julio de 2019

Our work guidelines for the period 2018-2019

The coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, will visit the Italian capital of fashion with the support of Premark. As a part of our travel preparations, we are managing the selling or the surrender of property of Carlos Martínez’s brand and patent to companies from the world of cosmetics and fashion. It is not only an opportunity for doing business, but also for discovering this historical city of Italy.

At the same time, the coordinator is planning a second trip to Londor, in order to visit the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the aim of advancing in the process of promoting the “Playa Paraíso Technological Park” initiative and the initiative of creating a leisure port and a marine research centre in the area of Playa Paraíso. This decision is because the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry invited us to go back there during our first trip, which the coordinator carried out from 1th to 8th December 2018.

-Jerónimo Padrón López (Architect)

-Alejandro Díez Martín (Architect)

This trip will probably take place before the end of 2019 and the coordinator will go with two architects. Both initiatives are under the coordination of a multidisciplinary team. For the first one, the coordinator has proposed the architect Alejandro Díez Martín, while he has appointed the architect Jerónimo Padrón for the second one. Public corporations and some prestigious universities in Spain, such as the Universities of La Laguna and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, already know this initiatives, due to its importance.

In La Laguna, the 2th July 2019.

The coordinator,
Miguel Muñoz

Phone: +34 648 74 49 37

-Our blog:

-Carlos Martínez’s website:

-Website of the consultancy firm Premark, which collaborates with us:

-Website of the European Trademark Office:

-Website of the Spanish Office of Trademarks and Patents:

Karllive, the new brand of aloe vera products created by Carlos Martínez, registered in the European Trademark Office with the number 18.018.603.
Milan, capital of fashion.

Fashion Week in Milan.

The coordinator will probably stay at the Enterprise Hotel Design & Boutique, located in the very historical centre of Milan and near to the Quadrilatero della Moda, the area which houses some of the most luxury fashion shops of the world:

-Enterprise Hotel Design & Boutique on

-Commune di Milano (municipal government of Milan):

-Government of Italia:

-Touristic information office of Milan:

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