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viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2019

Our meeting with the University of La Laguna’s new chancellor

The 30th October 2019, the University of La Laguna’s new chancellor, Rosa María Aguilar, invited us to expose our entrepreneurial initiatives at the chancellorship offices, before we carry out a second trip to London in order to present them at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the UK capital (the first trip was done by the coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, from 1st to 8th December 2018, as we have already commented on our blog).

During this meeting, the coordinator explained the new chancellor the guidelines of the initiative “Playa Paraíso Technological Park”, and the different common areas which the proposal includes, which some prestigious architects have been working in since 2010. In this sense, the AMP architectural studio gave the first impulse to the initiative, and then Annika Schollin and Juan Pedro Salcedo came to take part in the first technical conferences about the initiative, exposing the topographical studies, the environmental study and a short progress report about the location of the project. At the same time, we presented a document of suggestions as a preview for the municipality of Adeje’s land ordering plan, compiling the actions which our initiative entails. After these two architects, Jerónimo Padrón joined us, developing a design with a mockup and exposing it to different public corporations. At last, the architect Alejandro Díez Martín has been added to our initiative, being responsable of the viability and the final study for the mockup, in order to present them to the public corporations of Canary Islands and the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Besides, from three years ago, the coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, is developing the proposal of creating a leisure port with a marine research centre in Playa Paraíso, in the vicinities of the Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife, which has appointed the architect Jerónimo Padrón for. This initiative intends to improve the touristic offer in Playa Paraíso, promoting nautical and sports activities, but also relate this economic activity to scientific research, a field where universities can achieve great contributions.

The meeting with the new chancellor allowed us to summarise all the information available on the initiative “Playa Paraíso Technological Park”, because the coordinator has been informing the public corporations of Canary Islands about it since 2010. Therefore, the basic objective of our initiative consisted in expressing our will to integrate the campuses of Canary universities in this project.

In fact, in our second trip to London, besides the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the coordinator is planning to visit some British universities, in order to take advantage of the transversal nature of our initiatives, projecting them on a multidisciplinary and international sphere.

Besides of carrying out this spreading work for public corporations and private companies in Canary Islands, we want to inform about our activities to European Union institutions and international organisations through social media. In this sense, we try to seek people and corporations which support us in order to foster the creation of new Jobs, bioclimatic architecture and sustainable development, in the framework of an initiative such as “Playa Paraíso Technological Park”, focused on the use of water and renewable energies.

Finally, we want to thank the new ULL’s chancellor for its warm welcoming and the attention paid to our initiatives. We are sure that, if we work together, we will be able to get the objectives proposed.

In La Laguna, the 8th November 2019.

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz
Phone: +34 648 74 49 37

The chancellorship offices in the University of La Laguna.

The coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, near the chancellorship office in the University of La Laguna.

Promotional wall in the University of La Laguna.

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