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A Lithuanian artist in Tenerife

Nuestras iniciativas empresariales como espacio de formación

Ramiro Rosón, secretario de nuestras iniciativas

Nuestra página en TikTok

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viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2019

The influence of social media on our entrepreneurial initiatives: we propose the model Patrycja Rebech as our future corporate image

In order to spread our entrepreneurial initiatives, we use a wide variety of social media (Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc.) and instant messaging applications (WhatsApp, Hangouts, etc.). Nowadays, we are sending information on our initiatives to the European Union channels on different social media, with the aim of raising the interest of European institutions.

Besides, with the aim of improving the corporate image of our entrepreneurial initiatives, the coordinator has proposed the personal trainer and model Patrycja Rebech, of Polish origin, who currently works in London. The coordinator considers that it would be interesting that this model promotes our entrepreneurial initiatives in the future, when we get the economic support of an investor group, in order to develop our marketing strategy. Although it is difficult to choose a person who represents our corporate imagen, we think that Patrycja meets all the requirements for that, for her elegance and her excellent work in the world of image.

At the same time, we are working to organise a second trip to London, where we will expose our two entrepreneurial initiatives at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the UK capital, with the aim of seeking investors interested in them.

–Visit our blog:

–European Parliament website:

–European Parliament on Instagram:

–Patrycja Rebech on Instagram:

In La Laguna, the 8th November 2019.

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz
Phone: +34 648 74 49 37

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