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martes, 10 de noviembre de 2020

COSETUR, a forum to turn Canary Islands into a secure destination

On 3rd and 4th November 2020, the coordinator of our entrepreneurial initiatives, Miguel Muñoz, attended the COSETUR forum (1st International Congress of Security and Tourism), organised by the Dream Project Group and Method event agencies, with the support of different public and private corporations. The event had been presented on 23th October by the mayor of La Laguna, Luis Yeray Gutiérrez, the president of the Canarian regional government, Ángel Víctor Torres, and the president of the island government of Tenerife, Pedro Martín, as well as by the coordinators of the congress, Óscar Fernández and Rayco Pérez.

The aim of COSETUR consists in discussing and highlighting the importance of security, in every sphere, in order to consolidate the image and ensure the quality of a touristic destination. In this way, COSETUR hosted presentations and discussion tables carried out by national and international experts in security and tourism, at the Teatro Leal, placed in the historical centre of La Laguna. At the same time, this congress intends to show Canary Islands as a first-level touristic destination, characterised by its security and its ability to adapt itself to critical situations, such as the global health crisis caused by COVID-19.

Some of the participants in this event were the colonel Pedro Bolaños, who has been head of counterintelligence and security in the European Army; the doctor José Miguel Gaona, expert in forensic psychiatry, which has conducted the TV programme Desde dentro and directs the Educar bien magazine; the doctor Rafael Manuel Ortí, head of the preventive medicine and quality at the Hospital Clínico de Valencia; the comandante Pedro Fernández, who has served 17 years in different destinations of the Canary archipelago and has experience in massive events and concentrations; Iñaki Garmendia, who has been head of touristic promotion and marketing for the Basque regional government; or the general Francisco Espinosa, current leader of the GAR-SAHEL militar project, launched by the European Union.

Our coordinator attented the different presentations and talks, which analysed the management strategies which must be considered by the touristic sector due to the COVID-19 crisis. In this sense, the participants made clear the idea that Canary Islands can become a safe destination if they strictly observe the procedures established to fight against this pandemic.

From our entrepreneurial initiatives, we want to congratulate the organisers of COSETUR and the municipality of La Laguna, the regional government of Canary Islands and the island government of Tenerife for supporting this event. We think that security policies constitute an essential element to allow the continuance of tourism in times of health crisis, reducing the effects of COVID-19 on the economy of the Canarian archipelago.

La Laguna, 10th November 2020.

The coordinator,
Miguel Muñoz

Phone: +34 648 74 49 37
Visit our blog:

-Cosetur reivindica a las Islas como destino turístico de primer nivel. Article published by the newspaper El Día, on 2nd November 2020:

Pictures of the event:

Outdoors of the Teatro Leal, located in the historical centre of La Laguna.

The coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, at the Teatro Leal (La Laguna), were COSETUR was held.

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