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miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020

Our entrepreneurial initiatives: history and current status

The entrepreneurial initiative “2010-Adeje Playa Paraíso Technological Park” was born in 2010, through a business mediation contract signed between the owners of the plots located in a perimetral area of 120,000 square metres approximately, in the zone known as El Pinque, next to the former Las Cancelas school. It is a strategic place for this initiative, which is oriented to water management, renewable energies and green and scientific tourism, by means of building a sustainable touristic resort which will be energetically efficient. This resort will include complementary non-residential areas, such as a water research centre, a water museum, a thalassotherapy centre related to the properties of water and an area destined to ecological agriculture and hydroponic crops. This agricultural zone will allow to develop self-consumption crops based on soil-friendly techniques, which could be taken as a reference for R+D+i policies.

Besides, the perimetral area has a pond, placed above Las Cancelas school. It is an excellent resource for promoting the conservation of wetlands and the sighting of the fauna which lives in these ecosystems. It could be even used to foster ornithological tourism, due to its importance for the Canarian wetlands network, as SEO/Birdlife has stated. At the same time, the pond not only allow bird sighting, but also could be taken advantage of as a valuable resource for producing hydraulic energy, which would be supplied to the resort.

In this rough surface of 120,000 square metres, we intend to boost the development of a technological park. As it is known, the objective of this type of infrastructure consists in attracting investments and research, fostering the collaborative economy and the integration of companies within the job market. In this sense, the project will include a centre related to postgraduate training in different areas, with the aim of offering complementary training programmes and generating synergies with companies in its non-residential areas. Not only the main public corporations (Municipality of Adeje, Canarian regional government and Spanish government) have been informed about these initiatives, but also business associations (ASHOTEL and CEOE), public Universities (University of La Laguna and University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) and private (European University of Canary Islands).

In the last years, we have carried out different activities, such as meetings with public corporations and our work team, in order to create the conditions necessary to bring these initiatives to light in the future. Nowadays, we are focused in presenting the 3D mockup of the “2010-Adeje Playa Paraíso Technological Park” initiative and the mockup for a leisure port with a marine research centre, which would be placed in the vicinities of Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife.

Once both mockups have been developed, with graphic contents and informative texts, we will make up a summary of the urban status of the places where we want to develop these initiatives, in order to ellaborate a viability study, because, at his great majority, the plots of this zone are classified as protected rural land. This urban status information will be completed with an analysis of the environmental, territorial and economic viability of the initiatives, including their final target groups and their objectives. We will create an specific website, which will be made public in the mockup presentations. An appropriate place for a first presentation could be the Nivaria Hotel, located in the centre of La Laguna, while the second presentation could be held at the Sociocultural Centre of Adeje, addressing it to businessmen, public corporations, universities and the general public.

In this stage of presentations, the coordinator of the initiatives, Miguel Muñoz, will expose the idea as a whole. Then, an expert in Urban Law will discuss the different proposals which could fit into the current urban planning, a biologist will expose its environmental viability and an economist will comment its social and economic viability, highlighting questions such as the creation of productive resources and the diversification of Canarian economy. In this way, we will be able to answer the following questions:

a) Why Playa Paraíso has been elected for these initiatives.
b) Which advantages provides Playa Paraíso as a touristic destination.
c) What can offer this initiatives as an added value for this touristic destination.

To summarize, our initiative “2010-Adeje Playa Paraíso Technological Park” intends to combine interventions in the primary, secondary and tertiary sector, taking advantage of the non-residential areas which make up this proposal. Therefore, we will develop an example of economic diversification within the same space, in a fashion that all the economic system created within it produces a feedback. This strategy will allow to provide a broad view, highlighting its social and economic viability, for the investors group which bets on this initiative.

La Laguna, 2nd December 2020.

The coordinator,
Miguel Muñoz

Phone: +34 648 74 49 37
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