jueves, 30 de marzo de 2023

Litografía Drago collaborates with our second informative conferences

The company Litografía Drago, whose manager is Andrés González Valladares, has offered the coordinator of our business initiatives, Miguel Muñoz, to cover part of the cost of the posters and leaflets for our second informative workshops, as a contribution in kind to our crowdfunding campaign.

Our editorial team is extremely grateful to this company and its manager for supporting our work in this way.

Drago Lithography

Address: Calle La Batata, number 6, nave 4 (El Chorrillo), 38107 (Santa Cruz de Tenerife)

Telephone: 922 61 19 59

Email: andres@litografiadrago.com

Website: www.litografiadrago.com

In La Laguna, on March 30, 2023.

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz

Telephone: 648 74 49 37

E-mail: miguelproyecto@hotmail.es

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