miércoles, 3 de julio de 2024

A Lithuanian artist in Tenerife

From our business initiatives, we want to disseminate and highlight the work of an artist of Lithuanian origin who is currently working in Tenerife. This artist learned his trade through a mixture of family tradition and self-taught effort. His largest project to date consists of a large mural painted on a 500 square metre wall in the city of Kaunas (Lithuania). He often works in teams with other muralists in his country and uses improvisation to develop his pieces, giving them a touch of freshness and colour that characterises them.

After the celebration of our second contact days with students and professionals in the Hotel Laguna Nivaria, we have discovered this artist, who has bet on us and who will be part of our marketing and dissemination strategy, when we carry out the second presentation days of our business initiatives. It is worth mentioning that our third contact days with students and professionals will be held in the same location (Hotel Laguna Nivaria), on the 4th of July, at 18:00 hours.

Please find enclosed the e-mail address and telephone number of this artist in case you wish to contact him for professional commissions or to see his work:

Artistic Design

E-mail: disenoartistico@mail.com

Telephone: 610 072 563

In La Laguna, 3rd July 2024.

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz

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