martes, 16 de junio de 2020

We keep moving forward with Carlos Martínez's brand and patent

The 16th June 2020, the coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, the inventor Carlos Martínez and the lawyer and contributor Ramiro Rosón met at the Carrera bar, located in the very historical centre of La Laguna, in order to comment some questions related to the management of Carlos' brand and patent.

In this way, we sent a query to the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products, asking for information about the paperwork which is required to obtain the fabrication license of the product invented by Carlos Martínez, an exfoliant prepared with aloe vera and other natural ingredients.

In the next week, we will keep moving forward with the groundwork done regarding to the sale or assignment for use of Carlos Martínez's brand and patent, aiming to achieve successful results which may benefit all the actors involved.

La Laguna, 16th June 2020.

The coordinator,
Miguel Muñoz

Phone: +34 648 74 49 37
Visit our blog:

-Website of the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products:

-Carlos Martínez's website:

Carrera Bar
Phone: 922 25 18 45
Website on Tripadvisor:
Location on Google Maps:

From left to right: the inventor Carlos Martínez, the coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, and the lawyer and contributor Ramiro Rosón.

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