jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2024

Level Up business school arrives in Tenerife

On 11 September 2024, at 16:00, the Level Up business school, whose headquarters are in Alicante, held its Fusion event, in which its training courses for entrepreneurs were presented at the Taburiente Hotel (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). Our coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, had the opportunity to attend this event to learn about the training offered by this business school, which has enabled numerous small and medium-sized entrepreneurs to increase their turnover or refloat their businesses, as well as helping numerous entrepreneurs to materialise their projects.

As part of this training offer, Level Up will hold a conference on entrepreneurship on 13, 14 and 15 November 2024, at the Madrid Arena, with leading figures from the world of business and the media. Anaïs Ato, an economist who works for this company, was in charge of explaining the guidelines of this business school and its training programmes. After the conference, a small coffee break was held, in which trainers and entrepreneurs were able to share their personal experiences and their vision of marketing today.

From our business initiatives, we would like to congratulate Level Up, for organising this event, and the economist Anaïs Ato, for the excellent presentation on sales that she gave to the attendees. In addition to being an opportunity to learn, the Fusion event has allowed us to continue to promote our two business initiatives in the business world: the "Parque Tecnológico Playa Paraíso" project and the project to create a sports marina and a marine research centre in the surroundings of the Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife (Adeje).

In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 12th September 2024.

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz

-Level Up Business School









Fusion event in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (11 September, 16:00, Hotel Taburiente):


-Anaïs Ato on LinkedIn:


-Taburiente Hotel:


De izquierda a derecha, el secretario de nuestras iniciativas empresariales, Ramiro Rosón, y nuestro coordinador, Miguel Muñoz, en el Mesón Los Ángeles.

–Mesón Los Ángeles
Address: Avenida Islas Canarias, 28 (38006, Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
Phone number: 922 28 04 13

La escuela de negocios Level Up llega a Tenerife

El 11 de septiembre de 2024, a las 16:00, la escuela de negocios Level Up, cuya sede central se encuentra en Alicante, celebró su evento Fusión, en el que se presentaron sus cursos de formación para emprendedores en el hotel Taburiente (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). Nuestro coordinador, Miguel Muñoz, tuvo la oportunidad de asistir a esta convocatoria para conocer de cerca la oferta formativa de esta escuela de negocios, que ha permitido a numerosos pequeños y medianos empresarios aumentar su facturación o reflotar sus negocios, así como ha ayudado a numerosos emprendedores a materializar sus proyectos.

En el marco de esta oferta formativa, Level Up celebrará unas jornadas sobre emprendimiento, los próximos días 13, 14 y 15 de noviembre de 2024, en el Madrid Arena, con destacadas figuras del mundo de los negocios y los medios de comunicación. Anaïs Ato, economista que trabaja para esta empresa, fue la encargada de exponer las directrices de esta escuela de negocios y sus programas de formación. Después de la conferencia, se realizó un pequeño coffee break, en el cual formadores y emprendedores pudieron compartir sus experiencias personales y su visión del marketing en la actualidad.

Desde nuestras iniciativas empresariales, queremos felicitar a Level Up, por la organización de este evento, y a la economista Anaïs Ato, por la excelente ponencia sobre ventas que ofreció a los asistentes. Además de una oportunidad para aprender, el evento Fusión nos ha permitido seguir difundiendo en el mundo de los negocios nuestras dos iniciativas empresariales: el proyecto "Parque Tecnológico Playa Paraíso" y el proyecto para crear una marina deportiva y un centro de investigación del mar en los alrededores del Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife (Adeje).

En Santa Cruz de Tenerife, a 12 de septiembre de 2024.

El coordinador,

Miguel Muñoz

–Escuela de negocios Level Up

Página web: 








Evento Fusión en Santa Cruz de Tenerife (11 de septiembre, 16:00 horas, hotel Taburiente):


–Anaïs Ato en LinkedIn:


De izquierda a derecha, el secretario de nuestras iniciativas empresariales, Ramiro Rosón, y nuestro coordinador, Miguel Muñoz, en el Mesón Los Ángeles.

Mesón Los Ángeles

Address: Avenida Islas Canarias, 28 (38006, Santa Cruz de Tenerife)

Website: https://www.mesonlosangeles.com

Phone number: 922 28 04 13

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2024

Tenwork II, a coworking space in the heart of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

At number 20 Porlier Street, in the heart of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, we find Tenwork II, a coworking space where different companies and professionals develop their work in a versatile environment adapted to their needs. This space was created as an extension of Tenwork I, the coworking space located in Imeldo Serís street in the capital of Tenerife.

Tenwork II offers various services and advantages to its users, such as the rental of a workstation for days, weeks or months, three different environments between which professionals and workers can move, mail and parcel reception service, document printing, common areas, meeting room, lockers, drawers with keys, office space and cafeteria and air conditioning for the work areas. In addition, Ten Work offers special rates for users who wish to live in coliving (i.e. shared housing) on the residential floors of the building.

Due to the changing needs of the business sector, Tenwork II is a suitable option for many entrepreneurs and emerging professionals who cannot afford to rent full premises or who, due to the nature of their business, do not need a permanent office. It is a type of workspace that could be integrated into the facilities and equipment of our project "Parque Tecnológico Playa Paraíso", to enhance its function as a business incubator based on research, development and innovation.

In La Laguna, 10th September 2024.

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz

-Tenwork II

Website: https://tenwork.es/

Address: C/Porlier, 20, 38004, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Telephone: 659 00 63 86

Tenwork II, un espacio para el coworking en pleno Santa Cruz de Tenerife

En la calle Porlier, número 20, situado en el corazón de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, encontramos Tenwork II, un espacio de coworking en el que diferentes empresas y profesionales desarrollan su trabajo, con un entorno versátil y adaptado a sus necesidades. Este espacio nace como una prolongación de Tenwork I, el coworking situado en la calle Imeldo Serís de la capital tinerfeña.

Tenwork II ofrece diversos servicios y ventajas a sus usuarios, como el alquiler de un puesto de trabajo por días, semanas o meses, tres ambientes diferenciados entre los cuales pueden moverse los profesionales y trabajadores, servicio de recepción de correo y paquetería, impresión de documentos, zonas comunes, sala de reuniones, taquillas, cajoneras con llaves, espacio de office y cafetería y climatización para las áreas de trabajo. Adicionalmente, Ten Work ofrece tarifas especiales para los usuarios que deseen habitar en régimen de coliving (es decir, de vivienda compartida) en las plantas del edificio destinadas a uso residencial.

Debido a las necesidades cambiantes del sector empresarial, Tenwork II constituye una opción adecuada para muchos emprendedores y profesionales emergentes que no pueden costearse el alquiler de un local completo o que, por las características de su actividad, no necesitan una oficina con carácter permanente. Se trata de un tipo de espacio de trabajo que podría integrarse en las instalaciones y los dotacionales de nuestro proyecto "Parque Tecnológico Playa Paraíso", para potenciar su función de incubadora de empresas basadas en la investigación, el desarrollo y la innovación.

En La Laguna, a 10 de septiembre de 2024.

El coordinador,

Miguel Muñoz

–Tenwork II

Página web: https://tenwork.es/

Dirección: C/Porlier, 20, 38004, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Teléfono: 659 00 63 86

miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2024

XXXIX Gastronomy Awards, by the Diario de Avisos Foundation

On 15 July, our coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, and our project secretary, Ramiro Rosón, were invited to attend the XXXIX Gastronomy Awards ceremony, organised by the Diario de Avisos Foundation, in an event held in the municipal auditorium of El Sauzal. These gastronomy prizes stand out for being the oldest ones awarded by a Spanish media and because they became national in 2023.

The jury of the XXXIX National Gastronomy Awards, chaired by José Luis Conde, awarded the following prizes on this occasion:

-Manuel Iglesias Award: Alexis García, of Cien por Cien Hojaldre in Santa Cruz, for a career, accompanied by his partner Marlene Hernández, in which he has become the Best Master Artisan Pastry Chef in Spain in all categories.

-Best National Restaurant Award: La Salita (Valencia), by Begoña Rodrigo, who, after winning the first Top Chef television programme, has become one of the most renowned chefs in this country.

-Best Confectionery Award: Panadería Pastelería Zulay, owned by the Medina brothers, Rubén, Bryan and Aday, who have managed to update and expand the family bakery, which opened in 1937 on the island of La Palma.

-Best Restaurant Award: Etéreo, by Pedro Nel Restrepo and Viviana Sarriá, who, after five years of effort and dedication, have turned this restaurant into a benchmark in the capital of Tenerife.

-Best International Restaurant Award: Kensei (Contemporary Japanese), headed by chef Víctor Planas, who has catapulted this restaurant to become one of the best in Spain.

-The #ConsumeCanario Award: Casa Romántica Centro de Interpretación del Producto, located in the Agaete Valley in Gran Canaria, won this award, sponsored by GMR Canarias and the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Government of the Canary Islands, for its inalienable philosophy of proximity and sustainability.

-Best Work in Wine Award: Patricia Perdomo, who represents the generational change in the island's wineries. This award is sponsored by the Casa del Vino de Tenerife and the Tenerife Rural Foundation.

-Best Work in the Dissemination of Gastronomy: Juan Echanove, who has been able to explain and make his country known through the diversity of its gastronomy.

From our business initiatives, we would like to thank the Diario de Avisos Foundation and the El Sauzal Town Hall for opening their doors to us for this event, and we would like to congratulate all the organisers, sponsors and collaborators. Gastronomy represents one of the most important attractions of the Canary Islands' tourist offer and, for this reason, its promotion is a necessary strategy for the archipelago to strengthen its position as a quality tourist destination in Europe and the rest of the world.

In La Laguna, 4th September 2024.

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz

-The national gastronomy awards of Diario de Avisos highlight the excellence of the islands. Article published in Diario de Avisos, 15 July 2024:
