lunes, 13 de mayo de 2024

The harvests of integration

The Dolores Gutiérrez farm, located in Güímar, hosts an agricultural training project for young migrants at risk of social exclusion, with the support of the Canarian foundation El Buen Samaritano, which has been managing a 15,000 square metre cultivable area since 2022, under the coordination of Silvia Hernández, a teacher and agroecology technician.

This initiative arose with the creation of the urban gardens of Añaza, to save certain spaces from abandonment and help people at risk of social exclusion, and has subsequently expanded its field of action outside the metropolitan area of Tenerife. According to Hernández, "specific and professional training was necessary" for the beneficiaries of this initiative.

This apprenticeship takes place while the young migrants regularise their situation in Spain, with the aim of facilitating their integration into the labour market. As Hernández states, currently more than 50 participants in this training project have obtained jobs on agricultural farms in Tenerife with permanent contracts.

From our business initiatives, we applaud projects like this one, dedicated to the social integration of migrants and the promotion of the primary sector for the recovery of abandoned farmland. We believe that initiatives such as "Parque Tecnológico Playa Paraíso" could incorporate a specific area to develop this type of project, boosting agricultural development in the south of Tenerife.

In La Laguna, 13th May 2024.

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz

-The harvests of integration. Article published on 12 May 2024 in "El Día":

-Tilling the Tenerife countryside, an initiative against drought and social exclusion. Article published on 6 May 2024 in "La Vanguardia":

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