lunes, 10 de junio de 2024

Visit of our co-ordinator to the municipality of Adeje

On Thursday 6th June, the coordinator of our business initiatives, Miguel Muñoz, travelled from the university city of La Laguna to the tourist town of Adeje to inform about our future projects and to visit the Las Cancelas estate and the pond located within the boundaries of this property. It is worth noting that, at the time of this visit, the pond was full of water due to the recent rains in Tenerife. This confirms its value for the recovery of wetlands and the sighting of migratory birds, for which the Canary Islands are a place of passage.

Upon arrival in Adeje, our coordinator visited the Town Hall of this municipality, to promote our call for internships aimed at university and vocational training students, which will culminate with an informative meeting on Thursday 13 June, at 18:00 hours, in the cafeteria of the Hotel Laguna Nivaria, in which we will explain to students how they can collaborate in the future presentation of our second dissemination days. Information was also distributed at the training centre in Adeje linked to the University of La Laguna.

Once the visit to the Adeje Town Hall was over, our coordinator went to the Las Cancelas estate, where he was able to observe the current state of the pond located on this property, and then went down to the coastal area of Playa Paraíso, which has become an attractive tourist and commercial enclave in the south of Tenerife. In this area, Miguel Muñoz handed out information at the Hotel Riu Buenavista, from the surroundings of which a pleasant panoramic view of Playa Paraíso can be seen, and finally stopped to rest at the Roca Negra Sunset Club, a splendid bar-restaurant that offers privileged views of the sunsets over the sea.

From our projects, we consider that the approach to Universities and Vocational Training centres is a basic element to create an innovative and adaptable business fabric in the face of changes in the economic system. We also believe that Public Administrations and private sector agents must work closely together to implement a sustainable and lasting tourism model.

In La Laguna, 10th June 2024.

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz

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