lunes, 10 de junio de 2024

"An Italian woman": the story of Francesca Saverio Cabrini

Poster of the film "Cabrini" (2024)

The American film "An Italian Woman" (2024), directed by Alejandro Gómez Monteverde and written by Rod Barr, tells the biography of Francesca Saverio Cabrini (Sant' Angelo Lodigiano, 1850 - Chicago, 1917), an Italian-born nun who became the first American citizen to be canonised.

The film describes how the nun, played by Cristiana Dell'Anna, moved from Rome to New York, where she set up a charitable instruction to assist underprivileged Italian emigrants. In her charitable mission, the protagonist suffers the discrimination to which the American society of the time subjected Italian women and emigrants, but she demonstrates exceptional perseverance that eventually enables her to achieve her goals.

Posthumously, Mother Cabrini's tireless work was recognised by the Catholic Church and American civil society. In 1938 she was beatified by Pope Pius XI, in 1946 she was canonised by Pius XII and in 1950 she was proclaimed patron saint of immigrants. In 1952, the American Committee on Italian Migration declared her "the Italian immigrant of the century".

The coordinator, Miguel Muñoz, had the opportunity to see this film at the Multicines Price in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and recommends it to the general public, because of the great human values it conveys. It is a clear example of how determination and perseverance can carry forward any initiative beneficial to society.

Article about the film "Cabrini" on Wikipedia:

Price Prime Cinemas

-Address: C. Salamanca, 16, 38006 Santa Cruz de Tenerife

-Telephone: 822 90 38 79

-Web page:

In La Laguna, 10th June 2024.

The coordinator,

Miguel Muñoz

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